
Monday, April 9, 2012

Lesson Plan English for Grade 1 Semester 1

Lesson Plan
Subject                                   : English
Grade//Semester          : 1/1
Time Allocation          : 2x45 minutes
Meeting/Unit              :1/1

A.    Standard  Competence
·         Understanding the meaning of  transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context.
·         Expressing the meaning of transactional and interpersonal  conversation  in daily  life context.

B.     Basic Competence
·         Responding the meaning of  formal and  informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socialize) accurately and fluently using speech variation in daily life context i.e. expressing introductions, greetings inviting ,accepting/refusing invitation
·         Expressing the meaning of formal and informal transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socialize) conversation accurately, fluently using speech variation in daily life context i.e: introductios ,greeting ,accepting  invitation

C.    Indicators
·         To response the expression of expression introduction
·         To response the expression of  meeting and leaving
·         To use the expression of introduction
·         To use the expression of meeting and leaving

  1. Learning objectives
·         Students can  response the expression of Itroduction
·         Students can  response the expression of meeting and  leaving
·         Sent can mention the expression  introduction
·         Students can mention the expression of meeting and leaving

E.     Material
·         Introduction
Mis. I’m Cantika, by the way.
·         Meeting/leaving
Mis. A: Pleased to meet you
B : Pleased to meet you, too.

F.      Learning Method : Modelling

G.    Learning Activities
            English Zone book 1 , tape/CD player

·         Pre-Activities  (15’)
Apersepsi :
     Asking students about the expression of introduction , meeting, leaving in random.
Asking  students to mention  the expression  introduction, meeting and  leaving  based  on pictures.

·         Whilst Activities  (60’)
Asking students to match  pictures  with description aboutmeeting,  introduction  and ,leaving.
Guiding students pronounce the dialog
Asking students to underline the expression of introduction, meeting and leaving.
Reading the difference of initial name usage.

Let students listen to and write  introduction sentences
Let students listen to dialogue using the expression of introduction, meeting and leaving
Asking students to answer questions  relate to the  listened dialogue.
Guiding students to learn the expression of  meeting, introduction and  leaving and response in informal/informal.
Asking students to use the expression of meeting ,introduction , leaving and response in pairs.
Asking students to read collocation note  about  meeting ,introduction  and  leaving.
Giving clarification of the usage of th expression  of meeting, introduction and leaving in informal/formal.

·         Post Activities
Asking students to mention the expression  of  meeting,  introduction, and leaving in formal /informal.

H.           Assessment
      Oral test 

 Respond to the followings  orally
1)      Hi. How are you?
2)      Nice to meet you
3)      See you later
4)      What’s your name?

English Zone book 1
CD English Zone 1
Tape/CD player
Laptop & In-focus

                                                                                              Lahat,   July 2011           .

Principal of SMAN 4 Lahat                                                                Teacher,

Drs.Syahfiral Syamsuar                                                                Nilawati, S Pd
NIP.196708211992031004                                                          NIP.196306121987032009

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