
Sunday, November 6, 2011

I. Attitude towards change

  1. New is better
There is a better way and always an easy way.
In this sentence, we can conclude that when we meet a difficulty in our life or a defiance to reach our ambition. We must believe that there is always new way for us to do that. Don’t be afraid with alteration!
Americans love progress and are constantly seeking perfection. You can't have either without change, so change is a good thing
  1. A better way can always be found; things can always be improved upon.
Everything can always be made better.
We need to observe and engage with people in their everyday lives not only using the things we create, but also in and around those things, so that we can learn how to actually improve people's quality of life in some way
  1. Just because we’ve always done it that way doesn’t make it right.
Don’t be satisfied because you can do something! It doesn’t mean you are right.
That’s sentences mean that people must learn more about something although we always do it everyday. We must not consider something is simple. We must serious with our project.

Attitude towards taking risk
  1. A low level of personal savings is typical
  2. You can always start over
Did you suffer greatly sometime?... that was a time for learning.
Did you cry a lot?... you were cleansing the soul.
Did you feel spiteful?... it was a lesson in forgiveness.
At times, were you alone?... it was because you closed the door.
Were there times you believed everything was lost?... it was simply the beginning of your improvement.
The sentences above means that if we do the wrong way or difficulties. We must not  to be give up, there is always  a chance to reach our ambition.
      3.     Nothing ventured, nothing gained
You can't get anywhere unless you're willing to take a risk
If you do not take risks, you will never accomplish anything.
Bill: Should I ask my boss for a promotion?
Jane: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I think I'll audition for a part in that play. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Something that you say which means that it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve something We tried to make television programmers that were new and different, and we weren't always successful, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  1. A high level of personal bankrupt ness is common
Don’t give up to try, don’t try to give up
The sentences above refer to people who must not give up although they are in a bad situation, for example they fail to do something. In America, a failure is common and it doesn’t mean everything has been lost.

Attitude towards Formality
1.      Telling someone to help themselves to what’s in the refrigerator is common.
“Be at home! ”
Basically because of the concept that everyone is of equal value, Americans are usually pretty casual and informal when it comes to social and professional interactions. Americans don't stand on ceremony and don't really use titles or pay much attention to rank.
2.      Using first names with people you’ve just met is fine
Jane : “ Hai Mrs. Hillary, nice to meet you!”
It is fine to call someone in his/her first name if we  have just met his/her.
3.      Using titles like Dr for someone with a Ph.D is presumptuous

Indonesian people tend to be individualism, commonly, when they are in the high status in the society. When they become a rich person or family in Indonesia, it will be very hard for them to care with other people.
Another reason is when they live in metropolitan. It will be very hard for people in metropolitan to be collective because there is bigger defiance than in village. For example in a house environment, moreover they don’t know with their neighborhoods they don’t care about the others.
Another  example, when someone who is a poor people but one year later he become a Senator in DPR. It is a high status in Indonesia because a senator has a high salary. Commonly, It will make that person tend to be individualism.

Obama Text Speech in Iowa

Thank you……thank you………Thank you Iowa
They said this day would never come
They said our sight was set too high
They said this country was too divided to the solution to ever come together around the coming purpose.
But, on this January night, at this defining moment in history. You have done what the chemic said we couldn’t do.
You have done what the state of New Hampshire can do in 5 days
You have done what America can do in this New Year 2008.
In lines, in restaurant, schools, and churches, in small town and big cities. You came together as Democrat or Republican and independent to stand up and saying that we are one nation ,we are one people and our time for change has come.
You said the time has come to move beyond pettiness and anger that consume Washington to end the political strategy to spend all about the vision and instead to make about decision,  to build the core relation for change to stretches to red states and blue states.
Because that is all we win in November and that’s how finally we meet the challenges that we faces in the nation. We are choosing hope over feet. We are choosing in new the vision of nation and sending powerful messages that change has coming to America. You said the time is come to tell the loud to surfing in  that their money and their influence speak louder than other voices that they don’t own this government. We do and we are here to take it back!
The time is come for presidents who are being honest about the choices and challenges we face to you and learn from you even when we disagree.
We want just tell you why you wanna here for what you need to know and in New Hampshire if you give me the same change that I would did tonight. I will be the President for America.
I’ll be the president who finally makes health care and available to every single of American the same we are expect health care in Illinois by bringing Democrat and Republican together to get the job done.
I’ll be the President who end the tax for exports companies the cheaper our job overseas and for middle class tax good in the pocket of working American who deserving.
I’l be the President who harnesses the enginery, for farmer and scientist, and entrepreneur to free this nation from the theory of oil once and for all.
And I’ll be the President who ends this war rocket finally brings are troops all, who restore all more standing, who understand that 9/11 is not a way to scare up both, but a challenge that should of U.A and the world against the common threat of 21 century. Common threats of terrorism nuclear weapon. Climate change a part of a day, genocides and the disease. Tonight we are one step closer to that vision of America because what you did you know and so I especially like to fact the organizer and prison captain the volunteer and to stand to make this all possible.
And what I made on thank you, I make sense for me the thank the love of my life, the luck of the Obama family for the closer on the campaign; give it up for Michele Obama.
I know you didn’t do this for me, you did this because you believe so deeply in the most American of ideas that in the face of impossible eyes. People who love this country can change it. I know this because while I am standing here tonight, I’ll never forget that my dreams began on the street of Chicago doing what so many of you have done for this campaign and all of the campaign in Iowa organising and working and fighting to make people know just little bit better.
I know all hard do this, becomes with little sleep, little pay and lot of sacrifices. There is thing of disappointment but sometimes just sometimes there is night like this. A night that here from now what we made a change that we believed it, one more family can afford to see the doctor, when our children Malya, Sasha and your children and here the plan cleaner and safe. When the world sees America differently and America see itself as the nation last divided and more united. You are be able to look back with pride and say that was the moment when it all began.
This was the moment when the improbable being what Washington always said was unbelievable. This was the moment when we tore down various for too long. When we was the people of all parties to a common cause.
When we finally get of American would never participated in politic in reason to stand up to do something.
This was the moment when we finally feed back the politic of fear and down on cynicisms the politic who we each other down instead of lifting this country out. This was the moment.
Years from now you would back and you will say this was the moment, this was the place where American remembers one it means to hope. Many months we have been tease even derided for talking about hope, we always knew that hope is not blind up the misses. Is not ignore the nominee the test to heat, the road blast the stand in our path. It’s not sitting in the sides answer. Hoping is that thing inside us that consist despite all the evidence the country that something better, if we have the courage to reach for, the work force and the fight force.
Hope is what I saw in the eyes of young woman in the weapon who works tonight shift that for their college and still can afford her kill for sister who else.
A young woman who still believe that this country will give her chance to let all our dreams. Hopes is what I heard the voice from New Hampshire woman, who told me that she hasn’t been able to breathe since she left from the rock, she still go to paddy tonight praying. Hopes is not what ban man in wise extravaganza empire, what lend new generation to free and here a nation with lend young woman and man to sit lunch together and build fire houses and march to salma and magamory for freedom causes
Hopes is what let me here today with the father from Kenya and mother from Kansas and the story that can only happened in United States of America.
Hopes is the main of the nation, the believe that our destiny would not be recognize for us, but by us, by all those man and woman who are not content to sell for the world, who have the courage to remake the world as it should be, that is what we start

tips and ideas how to give advice for teen

Hai, this is Catherine Hanson, normally, I created video for teen girls but today I wanna give video just for you parents. Recently, I received the request from reported and she was looking for tips and ideas how to give advice for teen. This is right up my Alice   while I opened my email and I just flow up on me 9 tips on how to give advice for teen. I figure out of the wedding for journal  as to here  whether I gonna be good housekeeping. I just share this tips for you parents in the hope that you would open mind the communication with your teens.
So, here what I wrote for the reporters
My name is Cathaline Hanson  and I am known as a teen confident coach. I speak in schools, in used conferences and mother daughter than all of the country. I give lot of advice for teen between and I receive daily email from girls from all of the world and the best part of all actually listen me and reached out and ask for help. I have ask my website and I encourage girls to email me and I answered their question in the directly to them on my blog or video like this.
This girl really wants to me guided and they are desperate for some answer and for some relief to help with that struggle of not being or feeling good enough just the way they are.
So, here is some of the tips that I used, that I suggested parents to use to open communication and   retelling     advice for your teens.
Number 1, Be honest and dare to be valuable   share your own experience as an example of what word and what did. This is one of the hardest things for you parents with meet, double six   but you know what is really open the lines of communication when you meet you are not perfect and you don’t have all the answer. You had to learn hard way from your own mistake, kids really open up and really respect for the parents that can be honest for their own mistake.
Number 2, Don’t think you have the all thing answer. It’s more about helping to find their truth and teach them how the really trust how to look within and trust themselves for their own guess.
Number 3, WIIFM. Teens twins and everyone for that matter wearing a set of imaginary headphone. There are 2 destination that WIIFM, What is it for me, is your advice has to be shape and give in the way that your kids know what is the benefit, what  should I  listen to you and what is it important for me. When I give the speech, I have to know who is the   on the on instead of  what I am saying. Benefit my listener. Otherwise, the system              the noise everyone one sitting wondering. What is the have to do with me and if you can wrap your advice in a way that would really show your kids how is gonna help and listen this is really can help you to attractive great guided to your life.
Instead of just” Are you not date in him over midnight body” Do you see the differences how tuning it in to what             for them really benefit that.
Number 4, Avoid the word should. You should avoid that word. No one like to be should all over” You should do this and you should do that also avoid figure way in nobody like to be told what to do like this.
Number 5, Really listen and affirm what they going to. For example If your eleven your old daughter ask she get a        drama and boy is dating and assist to you. “Oh…..what should I do, this guy is really crashed on really like the order girl. The lasting you wanna do  is “phu-phu” her  “ oh honey, you are 11 years old for goodness six. You get plenty of time to dating with boys. What you really wanna do is to firm. “ Oh, honey, I can see you really struggle in with this. What do you like about this guy?”. See the hold of                    to help her get the clear what she wants. So much get that guy it’s about she want feeling being love, being to be having attention. And just you paying attention her validate your feeling were actually give her those feeling that is she is looking for and help her get clear what she is looking for eventually about the soul mate. It’s not about actually courage that particular guy but help you get clear about what is she want.
Number 6, Higher alive coach each other. Little self surfing eliminated but I have own my website a list of top ten reason higher alive  coach  for your daughter and girls stand to listen to someone who isn’t their mother. I am sorry to say it but it absolutely true.
I was recently coaching at 20 something with their old teacher and she is feeling really sluggish and run down, and I suggested” Sarah, perhaps you might wanna consider taking vitamin maybe you are diet isn’t giving you enough energy to fuel your body and you really need supplement with vitamins.
Well, she took my suggested instead of start it better and but she hasn’t mention to her mom that she takes the vitamin.” I can’t believe with Sarah. After all of the years of training that she get and take vitamin and now you coach suddenly tell you take the vitamin and when you take the vitamin”
I am sorry to say, sometimes listened the advice from someone works better. So, she might swallow you pride and open your wallet and higher life coach for your daughter. And again, it’s not about me telling your daughter what to do but me helping her get clear what she want and providing tool strategy that will shape her decision to lead her tool circle and it remarkable since you make relationship and really a blessing.
Number 7, Attend mother daughter workshop together. A good facility like myself will ask stop for question and will involved deep and meaningful conversation where  you can springboard and offers by the true deeper communication.
Number 8, Help they get clear idea what they really want while identifying irony as police about the situation. For example, she might say something like “ Mom, everybody have boyfriend, or there is something wrong with me because I have boyfriend”
Those to believe are totally illusion that she made in her mind seem not happened but not actually true. You get care of her believe and get help her illuminate those irony as police and help her to get care who she is and deerfly of love and created relationship and what she is does and when she know who she is, she would effort listen to interact friends and for loving relationship into her life. When she learn to love herself.  But believe like “everybody has boyfriend around every get boyfriend” It just believe that is not surfing her.
Number 9. Help her see the future and think trough about the decision. You see the teen brain is not fully form and kids really don’t have ability to process that, If I do this, there might be removable that, but if you continue they help to see how their decision might play, then they have memory in their mind and they work out to make choice because you already discussion each different scenarios. In alchoholic enormous were twelve recovery groups. They encourage with covering alcoholic, to think trough the drink and other words “don’t make a decision based on path of the motion in the moment. You think to the drank if I have this drink that be more drink and I’ll be back in the bar and I lose my feeling I’ll be right back in reheat. Think the drink, help your kids think this decision, if you go the party and you drink, how you get to home? how that affect your goal when you wanna go to school? How that affect other people see you in the community? That suggest opportunity” you are not shaking your finger, you helping them visualize the future advance and choose wisely because their brain can’t do that. You help them to do that. And finally, here is the bonus tip.
Maybe there is something that you and your daughter can do but maybe keep a journal on the kitchen counter you might name perfectly in perfect family or clumsy but compassion in conversation that and leave it counter for you and your daughter and maybe one day you will know rather little know the journal and leave for your daughter to see what you wrote that day.
Be really honest whether not to  go back being valuable like mom is feeling like a mother very good mother in day that the houses best that I do make your lunches and I feel charm but dear I love you. You, know the dear write down in the journal and then maybe you daughter said “ Mom I forgive you, I was feel best today  and I’ll work hard to keep it clean. But don’t be have any expectation, being it be hard journal, they just leave on the counter  and trying up new. You know feel like right back to me and see what happened. So those some great tips and I encourage you to visit my blog and share with me your great tips on how to give advice to your teen what works and what hasn’t together we can make their world a brighter future for our kids. So, until next time I am Catheline Hanson your confident coach.

Translation Competence

1.      Translation competence

Translation competence is a complex concept that has been addressed by a number of researchers in the field of Translation Studies. Yet, as stated by Ezpeleta (2005: 136):

Generally speaking, translation competence is defined following the pedagogical model of competence (the abilities, skills and attitudes needed to carry out an activity successfully) and it therefore affects different aspects of the translator's training (and work). This is the view taken by authors such as Király (1995: 108), for whom certain aspects, like the need to possess specialized as well as cultural knowledge, are shared with other professions (see also Pym, 1992). There are, however, aspects that are restricted to the realm of translation and which constitute the cornerstone of the definition of the concept of translation competence. As we shall now go on to see, here we are referring to specific know-how.

Neubert (2000: 3-18) claims that the practice of translation and, hence, teaching translation require a single competence that is made up of or could be considered to integrate a set of competencies that include, for instance, competence in both the source and the target languages. According to this author, to be able to answer the question as to what translation competence consists of, first, it is necessary to take into account a series of contextual factors underlying the knowledge and skills required of translators, namely: the complexity, the heterogeneity, and the approximate nature of the expert knowledge possessed by translators, since it is impossible for them to cover the whole range of aspects or fields within the areas in which they work. What actually happens is that they acquire the capacity to get an idea of the subject matter and facilitate understanding between experts belonging to different cultures and in different languages. As a result of the approximate nature of their knowledge, translation competence is always in a non-finite state of acquisition that requires translators to continually introduce new knowledge and, hence, to possess the capacity to be creative1. In order to attain the desired results translators also have to be aware of the situationality of translation and to be capable of adapting themselves to both recurring and novel situations, as well as being capable of dealing with the changing situations arising from the very historicity of their work.

3.      There are some particular problems in the translation process: problems of ambiguity, problems that originate from structural and lexical differences between languages and multiword units like idioms and collocations. Another problem would be the grammar because there are several constructions of grammar poorly understood, in the sense that it isn't clear how they should be represented, or what rules should be used to describe them.

The words that are really hard to translate are frequently the small, common words, whose precise meaning depends heavily on context. Besides, some words are untranslatable when one wishes to remain in the same grammatical category. The question of whether particular words are untranslatable is frequently debated.

For example, it isn't easily to translate a poetry because you need to analyse the words and meaning and after the flow and rhythm (or rhyme). Poetry's most translations are bad. This is principally because the translator knows the foreign language too well and his or her native language too poorly. Some English poetry translations are robotic, do a great disservice to the originals.
Translation Problems:

Problems with the source text:
  • Text difficult to read or illegible text
  • Spelled incorrectly or printed incorrectly
  • Unfinished text
  • Badly written text

Language problems:
  • Idiom terms and neologisms
  • Unsolved acronyms and abbreviations
  • Proper name of people, organizations, and places.
  • Slang difficult to understand
  • Respect to punctuation conventions.

EYL Reflection

This is my story about the experiences in teaching young learners. Every Tuesdays and Thursdays, we teach young learners in Elementary School No.2 Padang Selasa Bukit Besar, Palembang. Actually, this is not my first experience to teach young learners but we have taught some students at course in the last semester. So, we know how to handle and manage some students especially elementary school students because we have some experienced before. It’s very interesting and nice job to teach young learners because we can transfer our knowledge to them directly.
            At the first time, when we teach them on Nov 12, 2009, they were very active and attractive to learn English. They were very smart and nice students although there was one student who made the class became crowded but we could handle it well. We taught them about “The Facilities In A Classroom”and we used some colorful pictures as media. We did not translate each picture into Indonesian but we made them try to guess the meaning by looking at the pictures. Surprisingly, they knew and understood it well. Then, we had a game that they had to complete a word by looking at the picture in the carton. At that time, all of them raised their hand to come forward and answer the question but we selected some of them to complete that word one by one. We used colorful words so they would interested in completing that words. And also, we gave them reward as a present so they want to learn more and interested in learning English.
            In the next day, on Nov 17, 2009, this is the second time that we have to teach them. We taught them about “Synonyms And Antonyms Through Short Story”. We used fairy tale pop-up book and colorful words that we wrote synonyms and antonyms in a carton as media. When we show to them a fairy tale pop-up book, they were very interested in looking at that book. They listened the story carefully and if there were some difficult words we wrote it on the white board and they wrote it in their own book. Before we read that story which was entitled “Beauty And The Beast” we ask them first about that story. Then, after we read that story, we ask to them to retell that story. Some of them could retell it only a little but it’s ok. After that, we taught to them about “5 synonyms and 5 antonyms”. We did not translate those antonyms and synonyms but they could guess it by using the first word. They also wrote those words on their own book and tried to memorize it well. At the end of this session, we evaluated them to write 5 synonyms and antonyms on a piece of paper. After checking their work at home, there were 2 students who get a high score, some of them were average, and the others were enough.
            On Nov 19, 2009, this is a third meeting. We did not know what happened to them, they were very crowded and some of them made a noisy in the classroom. At the beginning, it’s hard for us to manage and handle them but we could manage the classroom well. The strategy was, one person was teaching in front of the class and the others were standing in every sides in that class. So, they could not make crowded and noisy. In this time, we taught to them about “Pet And Wild Animals”. They can follow it well and try to listen all the explanation from a teacher. At the end of this session, we invite them to make some groups. One group consist of four students (2 boys and 2 girls). By doing this activity they can work in a team and share each other about the topic. They have to arrange a picture into a correct picture based on the topic. Finally, they did it well in a short time. After finishing this activity we gave them reward as a present.
            On Nov 24, 2009, we taught about a song which entitled “The Way We Clean Our Bodies”. This was a nice experience than before because they were very active to sing a song and listen the rythm and tone from a teacher. We gave them the lyric one by one and sang that song in a classroom together. At first, we sing that song first and after that they repeat it. Then, we invited them to sing a song in front of the class. There was a girl who was interested in singing a song in front of her friends. Next, boys and girls group came forward, they were singing that song in front of the class. They were very happy and glad to sing a song, we promise to teach them another song again in the next session.
            After that activity, we tried to evaluate the students and it was the first evaluation for them. We evaluated them to answer some questions based on the topics that we have already given to them. In this case, there are three topics that we are going to evaluate them. They did it well and finish on time although there were some problems but we could manage and handle it. At the end of this session, we sang a song again to make sure that they still remember about that song. We were very happy because they were very active and cooperative especially when we sing a song together in the classroom.
            Actually, young learners like to sing a song. So, we have a new strategy, before we teach young leaners we should use a song to make them interested in learning English. By doing this activity, they will get some new words that they haven’t known yet. There are many advantages that they can get from this activity such as they will know how to pronounce some words, know the meaning some words, and the most important thing is that they can practise their tongue to pronounce and read some sentences effectively.
            In the next meeting, we taught about “Part Of Bodies”. In this session, we used colorful pictures and words to make them interested in learning English. We used a big body and we explained it one by one. We tried to invite them to touch their own bodies for example “ok now, touch your head” then they touched it by using their hand, and so on. And also we invited two students to come in front of the class then he or she touched his or her own bodies based on teacher’s direction. Sometimes, some students make some mistakes but it’s ok, they still learn about it. In contrast to that activity, a teacher touched her part of bodies then the students tried to say what the teacher have touched for example: a teacher touches her nose then the students guess “nose” and so on. After this activity, the students should match each word into a correct picture in front of the class in a carton. They were very spontaneous to do this activity and it will help them to memorize a word with a picture.
            In the sixth meeting, we taught a song which entitled “If You’re Happy” by using three laptops. We showed to them the video about it and they tried to sing a song by watching the video. Each of teacher handled and managed them to practise it in a group. We also gave to them the lyric about that song so they can bring it and repeat it at home. They were very happy when we teach about song because they like to sing a song. The purpose of this activity is to practise their tounge to pronounce some words and sentences and to teach some new words. And I think it is one of a good strategies to teach young learners.
            So far, they are very cooperative, smart, and full of attention in a class. Although it’s not easy to teach young learners but this is my time to practise teaching and my challenge how to handle and manage young learners in a classroom. The next meeting, we taught about “Names of Days” and “Names of Months”. Actually, they did not know the names of days in English so it was very useful if we taught about that. We also taught how to spell those things one by one so they will be able and master of alphabets. They were very excited and enthusiatic because they really like learning about that.
            The last meeting, we review all materials from the first to the seventh meeting. In fact, they still remember about all topics. Eventhough, there are two students who are troublemakers in the classroom, another student could answer the questions well and we can see from the result that we have given to them. Overall, they were active, excited, and smart students but the problem is only they did not know how to spell and pronounce the words well. To solve this problem, we usually try to spell the topic in every meetings.

 (Learning Words)
 School                        : Elementary School No. 2 Padang Selasa Bukit Besar Palembang
Course                        : English
Level                           : 5 B Grade
Times                          : 1x 45 Minutes
Meeting                      : First Meeting
Topic                          : The Facilities In The Classroom
             I.      Objectives:
*      Students will be able to know about the facilities in the classroom
*      Students will be able to understand the meaning of some facilities in the classroom
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize the words
            II.    Methods / Techniques:
Language Focus: Integrated Language
            Methods / Techniques:
·         Introduce 10 kinds of the facilities in a classroom by using colorful pictures
·         Spell and pronounce each of the facility
·         Ask some students to guess the meaning of the facilities in a classroom by seeing the colorful pictures
·         Memorize each of word and picture
·         Students will do a game that they have to complete a word by looking at the pictures
·         At the end of this session, teacher should recall what that the students have already learned
Procedure: Introduction and Warming up
     III.        Material:
The Facilities In The Classroom:
                  A. Table:       
B. Chair:  C. Desk:

D. Door:    F. Chalk   
  G. Flag       H. Blacboard
                        I. Window   J. Floor                 
K. Eraser 
     IV.        Media:
ü  Carton
ü  Colorful Pictures
ü  Colorful Words
        V.        Evaluation:
Students have to complete a word based on the topic by using colorful words, for example:
1.  _  I _ D _ W                 2.    F _  A _                    
3.   _ H _ L _                            4.  F _ O _ R           
5. _ L _ C _ B _ A _ D      6. D _ S _  
7. _ H _ I _                                  8. T _ B _ E               
9. _ O _ R                             10. E _ A _ E _ 
 @ You can add the pictures based on the question

EYL Reports - References


Asnimar, 2002. “ Model Penelitian Bahasa Inggris pada Sekolah Dasar di Kota PalembangJakarta”. Lingua 1 (2): 126-143”.

Cameron, Lynne. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 94.

Schmitt, N. 1997. Vocabulary Learning Strategies. In N. Schmitt and M. Mc. Carthy (eds.). Vocabulary: Descriptive, Acquisition and Paedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 199-227.

Scott, Wendy A, and Lisbeth H. Ytreberg. 1993. Teaching English to Children. New York, NY: Longman, Inc.

Vygotsky, L. 1962. Thought and Language. New York: Wiley.

Wertsch, J. 1985. Vygotsky and the Social Formation of Mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

EYL Reports - CHAPTER 5



           This chapter presents a conclusion drawn from the findings and discussions in the previous chapters. Suggestions to the teachers of English and the students are also offered.

5.1      Conclusion
            Teaching English to young learners has become a trend nowadays. In every school, English is taught as one of the main subjects. In teaching young learners is not like teaching adults, children have their own way of learning. Since children like to play and have fun, the learning and teaching process should be suited with the nature of the children themselves. One of the forms of fun activities for children is through music, and songs are the common form of music that children know.    
            Since English has become an International language, more and more people learn English. The importance of English as a world language ahs made people to learn English as early as possible. In Indonesia for example, English is taught even before the children enter the playgroup, there is a special class for children who are still around two or three years old. This is supported by the fact that the optimum age for children to learn a foreign language is when they are still in a very young age.
            The nature of children is that they like to play and have fun than studying. Play is a need of every child and it is an important childhood activity that helps children master all developmental needs. Play is the work of childhood and is important for learning and development. One of the forms of play that children are familiar is music, in the form of songs. The singing games and chants are the embodiment of symbolic play and imitation.
           These activities help the children to move from sensorimotor experience to a symbolic transformation of it (Isenberg, 1993). Music helps children develop cognitive skills, as well as enhances language skills, by singing song, children learn language appreciation, vocabulary, and rhyme (Shipley, 1998). Another thing is that songs and rhymes are learned by heart, and this may form part of a child’s linguistic

EYL Reports - CHAPTER 4



           In this chapter, we present (1) findings, (2) interpretation, (3) implementation and reflection of the treatments.

4.1      Findings
4.1.1   Qualitative Data
           According to Fascen (2006) cited in Murniyanti state that qualitative data is a process to find the data finding delivered from the evaluation and the reflection of non-numerical data. These data can be in the form of audio, photograph, recording, interview, and observation. The Observation
           The observation was done at Elementary School No.2 Padang Selasa Bukit Besar Palembang, the classroom action research was done at V.B class. In the first cycle, we found that most of the pupils had motivation to do the assignments as well as possible even though they had difficulty in applying the steps. Some of the pupils opened their note books and only few of them were not active during the class activities.
           In the second cycle, we found out that some pupils had made little progress in their writing especially spell the letters. To manage the pupils who were not active in the back row we asked them to move to the front row.
           In the third cycle, we found that during the treatments all of the pupils were more active. In this cycle, the students did their assignments by themselves even though few of them still made mistakes in answering the test given.
           From the observation the teacher made note, teacher’s notes can be used to write all the pupils activities when they studied English and find out the difficulties of the pupils in spelling achievement. The writer got the result of the students after giving the treatment in every meeting. In the first cycle, the writer observed that the students were very busy with their books and talked to their friends. After the treatment the students were evaluated by giving them the test and the result was not good. The writer found that they got difficulty in spelling the words. In the second cycle, the writer interviewed the pupils to find out the problem. The pupils said that they could not write the words correctly because there were many differences in pronunciation and spelling. After knowing the problem the writer gave explanation how to write the words by writing on the whiteboard. The pupils got improvement in spelling. In the third cycle, the pupils had more motivation in learning English. They could arrange the letters randomly. The writer found that the way pupils’ spell the letters were better than before.
           After following the treatments in each cycle, most of the pupils gave positive attitude toward good habit in learning English. They said that English was important to learn. They got new knowledge for example how to pronounce, how to write, and how to spell the words correctly. The Progress Test
           The progress test was given after each cycle. From the progress test, we found that the pupils could spell and write the words correctly because the pupils had already got some treatments that were put forward by the writer. In progress test, we dictated the words twice. And we asked the students to write what their heard.

4.1.2   Quantitative Data
           In quantitative data, we did progress test that consisted of written and dictation. In written test, we provided some questions about the material that have already given to them and in dictation test, we focused on the synonyms and antonyms (more information see page the test material). In quantitative data, we scored all of the students’ progress in written and dictation test from the first until third cycle. The following table is the students’ score.
The score of the test consisted of two tests, written test and dictation test. The results of the tests were the combination of both of the tests score.
Progress Test 1
Category of

Progress Test 2

Category of
Progress Test 3

Category of

Conversion Table

86- 100
71- 85
56- 70
41- 55
0-      40
Source : SD Negeri 2 Padang Selasa Bukit Besar Palembang in the academic year 2009/2010

4.2      Interpretations
           Based on the findings above, we made some interpretations. In written test, most of the students made a little mistake for example in writing a word, they missed one letter of the word. So we interpret that it was probably caused by their carelessness when writing the words or it was probably because they were confused about some letters that some pronounced the same. Then the mistakes of more than one letter might be because they have never been exposed to the words so they did not know the correct spelling of that word and they just guessed them. The last one, misspelling probably occurred because the students were confused about the letter that should be doubled that made them got the wrong letters or they did not know the words had double letters.
           In every cycle the writer gave progress test, in every cycle progress test consisted of two test written and oral test. In written test the writer found out that the students still confused how two write the correct words but after the writer gave them much more practice they showed their eagerness and their interested in learning English. They felt much more enjoy. It was looked from their interaction among them and their eagerness in answering what the writer said after giving them.
           The writer also gave oral test to know the student’s master in spelling the words, the writer asked one by one of the students to spell the words that were given by her and then the writer corrected the words and wrote the words on the blackboard from the activity, the writer felt that the activity could support the written test that have been done by them at first and then the writer combined two tests into one score. So, the students not only master how to write correct words but also how to spell the words spontaneously. 
4.3      Implementation
Topic                            : The Facilities in the Classroom
Time                             : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date                     : Thursday, November 12, 2009
Meeting                        : First Meeting
Learning Objective       :
*      Students will be able to know about the facilities in the classroom
*      Students will be able to understand the meaning of some facilities in the classroom
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize the words
Teaching Procedures    :
·         Introduce 10 kinds of the facilities in a classroom by using colorful pictures;
·         Spell and pronounce each of the facility;
·         At the end of this session, teacher should recall what that the students have already learned.
Classroom Activities   :
·         Ask some students to guess the meaning of the facilities in a classroom by seeing the colorful pictures;
·         Memorize each of word and picture;
·         Students will do a game that they have to complete a word by looking at the pictures.

Topic                            : Synonyms and Antonyms (Based On A Folktale: “Beauty And    The Beast”)
Time                             : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date                     : Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Meeting                        : Second Meeting
Learning Objectives     :
*      Students will be able to understand about the story
*      Students will be able to understand about synonyms and antonyms
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize 5 synonyms and 5 antonyms
Teaching Procedures    :
·         Read the story aloud in front of the class;
·         At the beginning, a teacher may use English then translate the story into Indonesian language;
·         Teach them about 5 synonyms and 5 antonyms based on the story;
·         A teacher have to spell and pronounce the synonyms and antonyms correctly and fluently;
·         At the end of this session, the students should write the synonyms and antonyms that they have already studied;
Classroom Activities   :
·         Ask the students, which words that they do not know;
·         Ask some students to retell the story;
·         Students try to guess the meaning of these synonyms and antonyms through a clue then they have to memorize it.
·         Students do the dictation test about the synonyms and antonyms.

Topic                            : Pet and Wild Animals
Time                             : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date                     : Thursday, November 19, 2009
Meeting                        : Third Meeting
Learning Objectives        :
*      Students will be able to know about pet and wild animals
*      Students will be able to understand about the characteristics of pet and wild animals
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to make a simple sentence based on the topic
Teaching Procedures       :
·         Teach them about pet animals by showing the  pictures and then tell to them about the characteristics of pet animals
·         Teach them about wild animals by showing the  pictures and then tell to them about the characteristics of wild animals
·         A teacher may practice the sounds of that animals
·         Teach them how to make a simple sentence based on the topic
Classroom Activities   :
·         Students try to guess the meaning of pet and wild animals by looking at the pictures
·         Students will join a game that they have to arrange a picture correctly

Topic                            : Sing A Song (Part I) and First Evaluation
Time                             : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date                     : Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Meeting                        : Fourth Meeting
Learning Objectives       :
*      Students will be able to sing a song
*      Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words through song
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize the words and song
Teaching Procedures      :
·         Introduce a song to the students in front of the classroom
·         A teacher sings the song in front of the class
Classroom Activities      :
·         Invite the students to sing a song
·         Sing a song together in the class (teacher and students)
·         The students do the first evaluation after singing a song

Topic                            : Parts of Body
Time                             : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date                     : Thursday, November 26, 2009
Meeting                        : Fifth Meeting
Learning Objectives       :
*      Students will be able to know about the part of bodies
*      Students will be able to understand the meaning of some part of bodies through picture
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize the words through picture
Teaching Procedures      :
·         Introduce 10 part of bodies to the students through picture
·         Spell and pronounce each part of body
·         Teacher points and show his or her part of the bodies in front of the class
Classroom Activities      :
·         Ask some students to guess the meaning by looking at teacher’s bodies
·         Students will do a game that they have to match a word with the correct picture
·         At the end of this session, teacher should recall what the students have learned

Topic              : Sing a Song (Part II)
Time               : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date       : Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Meeting          : Sixth Meeting
Learning Objectives       :
*      Students will be able to sing a song
*      Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words through song
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
*      Students will be able to memorize the words and song
Teaching Procedures      :
·         Introduce a song to the students in front of the classroom
·         A teacher sings the song in front of the class

Classroom Activities   :
·         Invite the students to sing a song
·         Sing a song together in the class (teacher and students)
·         The students may sing a song with the group by watching the video

Topic              : Names of Days and Months
Time               : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date       : Tuesday, December 3, 2009
Meeting          : Seventh Meeting
Learning Objectives          :
*      Students will be able to know about names of days and months
*      Students will be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly and fluently
Teaching Procedures   :
·         Introduce the names of the days and months
·         Spell and pronounce each of the word
·         A teacher teaches the students about names of the days then names of months
Classroom Activities   :
·         Ask some students about their date of birth
·         Instruct the students to memorize the names of days and months

Topic              : Review All Materials and Final Evaluation
Time               : 1x 45 Minutes
Day/ Date       : Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Meeting          : Eight Meeting
Learning Objectives          :
*      Students will be able to memorize all materials
*      Students will be able to memorize the materials
Teaching Procedures   :
·         Recall what the students have learned
·         Review the materials from the first until the seventh meeting
Classroom Activities   :
The students do the final examinatoion